Statewide IRWM Funding

Funding Success! The East County’s participation in the IRWM program and development of the IRWM Plan has resulted in the successful acquisition of grant funding for the region. Under Proposition 50, the region received $12.5 million; under Proposition 84, $3.3 million; under the Proposition 1 Disadvantaged Community Involvement Grant Program, $0.68 million; and under Proposition 1 Implementation, $2.7 million (to date).

Participation in IRWM and inclusion of regional projects in the IRWM Plan have assisted member agencies in receiving funding awards from other grant programs as well. For example, regional projects have received Proposition 1E funding, Proposition 50 and Proposition 1 desalination funding, and other non-IRWM Prop 84 program funding.

There are no current open grant solicitations for the IRWM program. The East County IRWM Region will pursue implementation funding through the Proposition 1 IRWM Implementation Grant Program Round 2 when DWR releases the proposal solicitation package.